Pretty, smart, sexy, alluring, awe-awe-awe-awesome, that is
Jackielyn C. Labasan. This gal is one of my closiest friend. I can tell to her everything with no secrets, because we have the same attitude. She might be "suplada", 'maldita" and "mata-pobre" as your frist impression, but you would definitely tell to yourself that you were wrong as soon as you got to know her deeper. I am a witnessed to that.
We didn't start our friendship with good acquaintances, infact we were enemies then, but you know what, she has the heart to know what are her mistakes and she is ready to say sorry and cover everything up for you. I believe that one time where I am unaware of, she did cover my ass to the people who has nothing to do but tell ill-description about me. I don't care who are they as long as I have this pretty-sexy lady beside me, everything will be ok.
Jacky, as what she is fondly called, is a registered nurse. She is a very talented lady. She could sing and dance very beautifully. She is as well a fighter individual but a very emotional one in terms of love. I will not give into details to that.
She believes in the following sayings: "Before you can win, you have to believe you are worthy"..., "Doing the best at this m0ment puts you in the best place for the next moment"...," When you find true friendship, You find true love."
, and "Life's a climb, but the view is great." (Travis of Hannah Montana the movie). If Angel Locsin will not give chance to James Younghusband, it is her lost because Jacky is ready to take him.
This might be long, but Jackie described herself thru this:
Aide toi, et le ciel t'aidera (Help yourself and heaven will help you)
I love to watch movies/music/travelling/shopping/jewelries/singing/dancing.
I love Muay Thai.
I'm loyal and faithful.
I'm generous in my own little way.
A candid and forthright immortal.
Artistic but extreme.
Ambitious but stubborn.
Charismatic but impulsive.
Insightful, independent but distant.
Energetic but impatient.
Thoughtful, inspiring but melodramatic.
Brilliant but obsessive.
Shrewd but overbearing.
A cowboy. I'm not choosy!
I'm jealous, resentful and possessive!
*Simple/ambivalent/attractive/photogenic/loyal/faithful/Obsessive-Compulsive/adventurous/sweet/charming/candid/thrifty*thank God I already know how to use my money wisely*/moody/true friend/worst enemy/* *I almost forgot! I belong to a team that is so called a narci homo sapiens. :p
When problems and issues come my way it must be pretty rough to make me break. Whether it's a relationship problem or a family issue, I have ways to keep myself together. I go to my friends and family and talk about my frustrations before I completely break down. I focus on what I'm saying and keep myself upright and going.
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This is my very sexy and pretty bestfriend JACKIE!